Crowd Funding to raise £15,150 to help fund a wheelchair ‘The Genie’

Ruth Warrener was diagnosed with MS in the early 90’s. She says:

“At that time, each day of my life was full on: eventing, training horses and running a business with my partner, so when I felt tired I assumed it was because I was so busy! I had a spell of blindness in one eye, when the sight retuned, the other one went blind! I went to see my GP and he referred me to a neuro surgeon who arranged various scans and tests but it was only when the consultant gave me the results and confirmed that I had MS that it hit me how serious it was….”  Read more –

An opportunity to contribute to a rider for whom, when one of our members mentioned it to the committee and we read of her plight, we were all thinking “there but for the Grace of God go I…” 
If nothing else, it’s a really interesting piece of technology that she’s seeking funding for.