Mrs Barbara Slane Fleming FBHS

Barbara Slane-Fleming FBHS

Barbara Slane Fleming passed her Fellowship exam in 1962.  She was an inspirational trainer for many of our current Fellows and BHSIs, as well as for a number of our international and Olympic team riders.

She co-founded the “Fellows and Instructors of the BHS” (F&I) and was our Life President, as well as being an active member of the BHS Fellows’ Association.

Barbara judged widely and was still teaching well into her 80s, and she continued to cast her legendary watchful eye over her many former students and their equestrian interests for many years thereafter.

Barbara Slane-Fleming FBHS

Just three years ago we were able to report that Mrs Barbara Slane Fleming FBHS had reached the wonderful milestone of her 100th birthday (30th January 2021).

Now, we are sadly reporting her death, 15th August 2024, at the astonishing age of 103.  Barbara, we owe you so much.  Rest in peace.


Tributes received by F&I a few years ago to Mrs Barbara Slane Fleming FBHS, an outstanding Trainer and Coach who has educated so many in our industry over the decades:

“She had without doubt the best and most constructive system of training and I was lucky enough to encounter and benefit from her wisdom. She laid a proper foundation for the training of horse and rider that facilitated an easy transition to top international level. A brilliant trainer of trainers.”

Judy Harvey FBHS

“I still have notes from a lecture demo Barbara did for us at ‘The Wharf’ in 1975 titled ´A system of aids’. It has remained with me ever since. The clearest blueprint ever.”

Nikki Herbert BHSI

“What an inspiration.  Terrifying, yes, but so clear, so correct, and such a wonderful trainer of horses and people.  Fond memories of first encountering her at Pony Club A&H camp at Kelso Racecourse and many outstanding training sessions thereafter.  Persuaded me into judging and created my lifelong passion for correct training of horses and riders.

Alison Craig BHSI

“Fabulous lady! Frightened me to death! So many great memories of her at F and I courses.”
Sue Pimbley BHSI

“Scared me to death, but so knowledgeable.”
Sandra Morrison BHSI

“It was at my Stable Managers exam and I managed to find myself in the wrong place! The next time I met her was when I took my horse to a clinic of hers at Alnwick, she was much nicer then and helped me so much to progress over the few days.”

Peter Robert Farrelly BHSI

“Barbara is responsible for my being a List 1 dressage judge, as she told me ‘it would be a good idea to become a judge’, amongst many other things. “

Jenny Ward BHSI

“Her reputation preceded her at the I Stable Managers. However, I was entranced and bemused with the jaunty hat she was wearing, a dark blue version of the one in the photo.“

Debbie Melville BHSI

“She examined me for my A test when I was 17 then for my Fellowship at 40. She was an amazing Examiner and is a wonderful person.“

Ernest Dillon FBHS

“She examined me for the Breeding Section in my I Stable Managers. After 10 minutes she said to me “you know your stuff, we’ll finish now”. I was thrilled to be let out of any more questioning!”
Faith Ponsonby BHSI

“I remember Barbara and our Mum consistently working together for us all, students, horses and ponies alike and for the spread of the BHS worldwide.”
Mandy Holloway BHSI

“Over the years I received instruction from her at various Riding Club Conventions & BHS Senior Instructors Conventions at many different venues. She was consistently inspiring, true to the Classical & fair – never afraid to give blunt criticism but so encouraging.

In the early 70’s Barbara ran courses at Stoneleigh 3 days per month for 3 months in preparation for the Fellowship.  This was the most fantastic experience.”

Wendy Summers (Maye) BHSI

“Barbara was unique – she had so much talent in many spheres and was the making of The Martin-Bird Family – we are all indebted to her.  Her clarity and simplicity was second to none.  For the Martin-Bird family she produced 2 Fellows, a BHSI, an Intermediate and 3 A tests with honours. We all have so many fond and happy memories.”

Tessa Martin-Bird FBHS

“I have fond memories of the encouraging words Barbara said to me during the Fellowship exam. I had just completed the Advanced Dressage lesson which I thought had gone pretty well, but the examiner in that section gave me a grilling on what I could have coached. Barbara just said “If you were satisfied, then get on with the rest of the day”, which I did. I also have vivid memories of the BSF courses I attended as a rider each year having passed the Fellowship. Much to learn and many phrases to remember! … Not round enough…  Happy days! “

Sue Payne FBHS

“I was lucky enough to benefit from Barbara’s training thanks to a recommendation from Sandra Pearson-Adams FBHS who had spent years trying to knock some shape into me and probably thought somebody else should also share the burden.  The first training sessions with Barbara were at Stoneleigh as I eagerly wheedled my way into any courses she was taking. Later, I attended her courses arranged at a number of venues including at Tricia Gardiner’s and others, but also at Barbara’s lovely home nestled in the Northumberland countryside. Barbara’s clear and logical training system is legendary.”

Richard Davison FBHS